
Christmas Time

Holy cow it's only 25° outside!!!!! I'm sitting here in the florida room with the heat blasting. We still have our christmas tree up (it's fake) and all the other christmas decorations. I'm going to hate it when my mom takes them all down, because it will make our house look so bare. Drake is laying at my feet. He wakes me up every morning (and it's so annoying) but laying infront of my bedroom door and scratching/crying until I open it up for him. Then he'll take a flying leap onto my bed and move around so by that point I can never go back to sleep.

Drake, my family and I had a pretty good christmas this year! Once again the holiday came and went wayyy too fast as it does every year. I'm always doing last minute christmas shopping and I can never believe it's already the end of the year.

Christmas Eve I went to the 11 oclock service with one of my childhood friends, Shannon. Usually the 11 oclock service is still crowded, but this year there weren't that many people there. I just love going to the 11 service because it's peaceful, we light candles at the end and sing Holy Night and by the time I get home and go to sleep it's time for SANTA! I can tell I'm getting old this year (and I'm not a kid anymore) because I wasn't as excited about Christmas as I use to be. Don't get me wrong, I was excited about giving gifts to my parents and seeing their expressions when they opened everything but that wonderment and excitement about Santa and the magic of Christmas isn't there anymore =( I miss it. I want it back.

The first thing we did was open our stockings! Each year my mom puts out a stocking for my dad and I buttttttttttttt my dad and I ALWAYS forget to fill a stocking for my mom! So she's never had hers filled. Well this year I finally remembered to buy her stocking stuffers and when I went to fill her stocking it wasn't there! She said it was old and she threw it away since she's not use to having a stocking filled!? Sooooo I had to make due and put her stocking gifts in a paper bag and tell her this was meant for her stocking. She was so excited!
Drake was even MORE excited because I had gone to PetSmart and filled his doggie stocking with LOTS of goodies! He got some bones and a new monkey toy that has been his favorite since he was a puppy. I think he could smell his bone for a week in my bedroom so by Christmas morning he was trying to tear his stocking down.

This year I got a lot of clothes that I desperately needed. I had gone shopping at the outlets in Williamsburg (my favorite place to shop) before my birthday so the clothes I didn't get for my birthday my mom wrapped up for Christmas. I got 2 purses, lots of money and giftcards, shoes, and basically a lifetime supply of Polo Romance perfume. It's my favorite! I've normally just had one bottle ( which is still expensive! ) and since I'm running low my mom bought me this whole box set so I'm going to be smelling good for maybe the next 2 years! My one gift that I really enjoyed because I needed was a new Northface jacket! I've been using the same 2 for the last 3 years. This one my dad picked out and it's an interesting color. It's a salmon and dark brown (the denali style) so I'm excited to wear it because I've never seen anyone wearing that color!

My dad's big gift this year with the Kindle my mom and I got him. If you haven't heard of the Kindle before it's an amazing gift for anyone who loves to read. My dad reads A LOT and so we ordered it from Amazon.com and it's basically an electronic book. You can download any book almost instantaneously and it does all kinds stuff. It makes your print really big, has a dictionary and all this other cool stuff. My dad's been using it since Christmas day. He already downloaded some new Stephen King book that's out --that's supposedly 1400 pages or something crazy like that! And then he got clothes and giftcards. Ohhhhhhhhhhh but his favorite gift that I made him was a huge picture collage of Drake. He kept staring at it and holding it up all day showing everyone. Out of all his expensive gifts that was his favorite. It was cute.

I got my mom a big Vera Bradley bag this year and other little things. She lovvvvvvved it. She's never had anything Vera Bradley so she was definitely not expecting it.

Well we spent the day with my grandparents (My grandpa and I posed for a picture in our SNUGGIES with santa hats on... I'll have to post that on facebook soon) and we had a good lunch. I drank lots of wine and then was ready for bed by 5 oclock.

Christmas 2009 was a success! Now I'm ready to ring in the New Year with Fred. He's having a toga party at his house sooo I spent all day yesterday running around getting the perfect toga accessories. Look for pictures in the New YEAR!

PS. I don't know if I posted this but I've been working my butt off in my paralegal classes (i'm finally going to be done in the spring) but my grades for this past semester were 4 A's and a B! I was so excited. I even got an A on my 30 chapter exam!! WHOO HOO!!!