

Ontop of being stressed out from school and tired from staying up til midnight studying .... the most worst thing possible happened tonight at the Hall residence.

My parents were gone and I was left alone with Drake (my 11month old springer spaniel) for about 4 hours this evening. He curled up next to me in my bed and slept while I was studying Torts. He slept the entire time and was such a good boy UNTIL I needed to jump in the bath (because I really wanted to shave my legs). Even though Drake can be mischevous he's usually pretty good. I thought I had closed my bedroom door all the way (but I guess not). I wasn't in the bath for more than 10min - when I opened the bathroom door Drake was laying there, looking up at me, with BLUE PERMANENT MARKER ALL OVER HIS MOUTH AND PAWS. My stomach dropped. As I stood there with a just a towel wrapped around me I could smell permanet marker everywhere.

I thought to myself please... god I hope the marker is not stained anywhere else.

I took a few steps down the hall and to my horror Drake had BLUE permanent marker spots all over MY MOM'S NEW CARPET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was like a scene from a horror movie where blood stains have dripped everywhere. Ofcourse the biggest stain from the market was right in the middle of the new carpet.

I didn't know what to do! I turned around and noticed the blue marker all over Drake's paws and legs. Running around my house half naked I push Drake outside and start crying as I dial my parents cellphone to break the news. My mom handled the situation okay even though I know she's devastated. My dad won't talk to me. We JUST had this new carpet and furniture put in the living room. I don't know what to do?!

I looked on the internet and it says hairspray & rubbing alcohol will do the trick. I'm not so sure. Our carpet is a beige and the ink is set in. I hope it comes out. My mom and I are going to try and keep dabbing it for the next few days. It's terrible. My parents were silent the rest of the evening. You can't even watch tv in the living room without your eyes going directly to the permanet marker stains.

If anyone has any suggestions as to how to get this stain out... PLEASSSSSSSSE HELP!