Christmas Time
Drake, my family and I had a pretty good christmas this year! Once again the holiday came and went wayyy too fast as it does every year. I'm always doing last minute christmas shopping and I can never believe it's already the end of the year.
Christmas Eve I went to the 11 oclock service with one of my childhood friends, Shannon. Usually the 11 oclock service is still crowded, but this year there weren't that many people there. I just love going to the 11 service because it's peaceful, we light candles at the end and sing Holy Night and by the time I get home and go to sleep it's time for SANTA! I can tell I'm getting old this year (and I'm not a kid anymore) because I wasn't as excited about Christmas as I use to be. Don't get me wrong, I was excited about giving gifts to my parents and seeing their expressions when they opened everything but that wonderment and excitement about Santa and the magic of Christmas isn't there anymore =( I miss it. I want it back.
The first thing we did was open our stockings! Each year my mom puts out a stocking for my dad and I buttttttttttttt my dad and I ALWAYS forget to fill a stocking for my mom! So she's never had hers filled. Well this year I finally remembered to buy her stocking stuffers and when I went to fill her stocking it wasn't there! She said it was old and she threw it away since she's not use to having a stocking filled!? Sooooo I had to make due and put her stocking gifts in a paper bag and tell her this was meant for her stocking. She was so excited!
Drake was even MORE excited because I had gone to PetSmart and filled his doggie stocking with LOTS of goodies! He got some bones and a new monkey toy that has been his favorite since he was a puppy. I think he could smell his bone for a week in my bedroom so by Christmas morning he was trying to tear his stocking down.
This year I got a lot of clothes that I desperately needed. I had gone shopping at the outlets in Williamsburg (my favorite place to shop) before my birthday so the clothes I didn't get for my birthday my mom wrapped up for Christmas. I got 2 purses, lots of money and giftcards, shoes, and basically a lifetime supply of Polo Romance perfume. It's my favorite! I've normally just had one bottle ( which is still expensive! ) and since I'm running low my mom bought me this whole box set so I'm going to be smelling good for maybe the next 2 years! My one gift that I really enjoyed because I needed was a new Northface jacket! I've been using the same 2 for the last 3 years. This one my dad picked out and it's an interesting color. It's a salmon and dark brown (the denali style) so I'm excited to wear it because I've never seen anyone wearing that color!
My dad's big gift this year with the Kindle my mom and I got him. If you haven't heard of the Kindle before it's an amazing gift for anyone who loves to read. My dad reads A LOT and so we ordered it from Amazon.com and it's basically an electronic book. You can download any book almost instantaneously and it does all kinds stuff. It makes your print really big, has a dictionary and all this other cool stuff. My dad's been using it since Christmas day. He already downloaded some new Stephen King book that's out --that's supposedly 1400 pages or something crazy like that! And then he got clothes and giftcards. Ohhhhhhhhhhh but his favorite gift that I made him was a huge picture collage of Drake. He kept staring at it and holding it up all day showing everyone. Out of all his expensive gifts that was his favorite. It was cute.
I got my mom a big Vera Bradley bag this year and other little things. She lovvvvvvved it. She's never had anything Vera Bradley so she was definitely not expecting it.
Well we spent the day with my grandparents (My grandpa and I posed for a picture in our SNUGGIES with santa hats on... I'll have to post that on facebook soon) and we had a good lunch. I drank lots of wine and then was ready for bed by 5 oclock.
Christmas 2009 was a success! Now I'm ready to ring in the New Year with Fred. He's having a toga party at his house sooo I spent all day yesterday running around getting the perfect toga accessories. Look for pictures in the New YEAR!
PS. I don't know if I posted this but I've been working my butt off in my paralegal classes (i'm finally going to be done in the spring) but my grades for this past semester were 4 A's and a B! I was so excited. I even got an A on my 30 chapter exam!! WHOO HOO!!!
Still, the snow was beautiful! Friday and Saturday night I was snowwwed in with my amazing boyfriend. Even though we were getting stir crazy we had a lot of fun watching movies, drinking beer, and enjoying each other's company with friends. Fred and I also did Christmas this weekend since I won't see him again until next Wednesday.
I got Fred an Ipod Touch ---he loved it! His Ipod was stolen our senior year at Bridgewater so he was pretty excited to have a new one. Plus, it made me feel so good inside to see his face light up with joy. The minute after he opened it he played with it all night long.
And Fred got me a giftcard to Victoria Secret's (he hattttttttes that store, so I'm pretty shocked he managed to stand in line in order to get me a gift card). Why does Fred hate VS? Well, because when he was younger his older sister would drag him in there all the time and it scarred him for LIFE. Plus he always points out bras or fancy lingerie in there and asks, "Why don't you ever wear that?" and I look at him and tell him that the bra he's pointing at is about $50 and I don't have 50bucks to spend on ONE bra (I usually get all my bra's on discount from Marshall's and Target ... who the hell pays $50 dollars for a bra?!?!) SO yeah, Fred got me a $50 giftcard so now I don't have an excuse as to why I can't buy one fancy bra.
Fred's second gift was a pair of gorgeous matching earrings and necklace from ZALES. The stone is my birthstone (blue) and little diamonds around it. It's very pretty!! It's one of the nicest pieces of jewelry I own. It will look great with a nice dress or with any suits I may be wearing at the law firm... one day.
SO this weekend was a success! Even though I got snowed in and missed the a9/b9 tacky sweater party we were supposed to have in Fredricksburg. I really wish I could have seen all my girlfriends (because I really do need a girls weekend) but spending time with my boyfriend who I hadn't seen in a MONTH was a plus.
I hope everyone had as enjoyable of a weekend as I did!

I'm 24 now....
I turned 24,
and I've been running around doing birthday shopping with grandma, birthday dinner with friends and inbetween all of that studying for my exams next week.
My birthday turned out WONDERFUL. Even though I wasn't as excited about my birthday as I use to be when I was a little kid.
I'm terrible about putting pictures on here, but I will soon (maybe after the Secret Santa party I'm going to next weekend)
BUT here are some of the wonderful things I got for my birthday:


I also got frontrow row seats today for John Mayer's concert in DC & Charlottesville.
And next weekend I'm spending time with the boyfriend. It will be relaxing considering I've been living day to day by deadlines for projects and tests to study for.I hope in the end it's all worth it.
Goodnight blog.
Since the last time I wrote Denise and Stuart got hitched! They were married on October 24th and the ceremony was beautiful. No surprise that Denise look stunning in her wedding dress, and both her and Stuart's faces glowed with how much they truly love one another all night. Her wedding pictures turned out fantastic. Our friend Jessica was the wedding photographer and I will for sure be booking her in the future for my big day.
It was nice to get together with all the girls from Bridgwater over the past month for the bridal shower, bachlorette party and wedding. It really makes me miss college and being so close to everyone. I'm turning 24 December 9th. I can't believe it. I feel like this year has flown by. I'm not even one bit excited about Christmas because I have been so busy with school. HOWEVER after this semester I will be done and can relax!!!!! Still, I gotta study my butt off over christmas break for my exit exam I'm taking January 4th. This exam is really important, because I have to pass it in order to receive my Paralegal Certificate. I am so ready to be done with school and to find a job. I hate that everyone still makes fun of me because I'm still in school or don't technically have a real job. But I know I'll be probably be workin for the next 40 years of my life so better enjoy living at home, and not working while I can.
Fred also just moved to Arlington. It's a lot closer to his work and he's living with 3 of friends; Pat, Daniel, and Nate. All the guys have grown up together and Fred seems to be enjoying being out of his parents house. I just HAAAAATTTTTTE the traffic in DC. Don't get me wrong, I love visiting Fred up there, the bars, and the atmosphere but I just hate the traffic. Fred says I have to get use to it because that's where he's gonna be the rest of his life. I dunno. I guess living in DC will be fun one day... IF I can take the metro and find a nice paying job up there. I'm sure some of my bestfriends will hate that I'm living Richmond, but I've never wanted to stay here forever. We'll see.... Fred and I have only been together for 2 years so I still got plenty of time to decide my future.
So yeah. Again, I'm spending my weekend working on school stuff. I'm tryin to get a project done this weekend that's due after Thanksgiving. I don't think I'm even going to have time to celebrate my birthday this year! I'm going to see Fred next weekend, and then after that who knows when I'll see him. Unless he surprises me for my birthday.
The only thing I'm really looking forward to is this semester being OVER and for me to pass my exit exam. I'm also poor. Sooo I don't know how i'm going to manage getting Christmas gifts this year. OH WELL.

Dear Blog
However last weekend was a great excuse to get out. It was Fred's birthday and Denise's bridal shower weekend. I left Richmond early on Friday to celebrate Fred's birthday a day early with him. We went out to dinner and watched a movie in bed. The next day I made the voyage to Charlottesville, Virginia. I use to pass through Charlottesville all the time going to Bridgewater, but I hadn't been up there in awhile. I had forgotten how BEAUTIFUL Charlottesville really is. Plus, it was an extra treat coming up 29. When I drive to Charlottesville from Richmond it's a straight shot up 64 with no scenery, no nothing. Just 2 straight lanes of highway. But coming from Manassas, my GPS took me on Route 29 for an hour and a half through the most beautiful mountain scenery. The weather was nice too which made for a fun drive! I'll admit I was a little nervous driving by myself on the backroad because I still don't trust my GPS. But I made it to Emily's house just fine!
I had such a fun time seeing all my friends from Bridgewater and I'm really glad I stayed the night on Saturday. Typical me, I was planning on driving back to Richmond after the shower and curling up in my OWN bed, but after 5min of seeing everyone I knew I didn't want to leave. Everyone had a great time catching up, listening to music, and taking silly pictures. I can't wait to see everyone again NEXT weekend for the Bachlorette Party.
Well, I guess I better go get ready for work....hopefully 10 o'clock will come fast!
So long Summer

As for Saturday we were supposed to go to the DMB concert but ofcourse at the last minute everyone changed their mind. I WANTED TO GO TO THE DMB concert but because Fred's friends all have the mega tickets they've seen him too many times. Even though I was bummed out (because I really would love to see him live) we ended up having a great evening. First we we went out to dinner with Fred's parents and then met up with our friend Daniel. Daniel practically lives in a mansion and has the coolest downstairs/basement/bar area ever. Usually I don't drink liqour but for some reason that Grey Goose was looking very tastey to me. Overall this weekend was HOT and it went by too fast. Last night Fred and I went to see FUNNY PEOPLE and it was ok. It wasn't as funny as the previews and the ending is dragged out wayyy too long, but we did see some great previews! This weekend my mom and I are going to see the TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE. I can't wait! I love sappy chick flick movies like that. I'm probably going to cry and then when it comes out on dvd FORCE fred to watch it (just like I forced him to watch the NOTEBOOK!)
Now I'm going to relax and enjoy the AC since it's 100 degrees outside! I think I'll do some early bday shopping for fred online!

His family has been great and I see where Fred gets his personality and looks from. Fred and his family are Florida natives. They moved here when Fred was in middle school. So I've only met one cousin and his older sister Val, who lives in Florida. I'm hoping I'll be able to make a trip down to Florida with Fred and meet the rest of his family one day...and maybe catch some rays on the pretty Miami beach.
This past weekend with the Duquette's was particularly fun, because they took me golfing. Fred and his dad are big golfers. His dad is always watching the golf channel, and when the weather is nice he's always on the links. Besides the golf class I took at Bridgewater, I have no experience whatsoever. Even though Fred's taken me to the driving range a couple of times....I was not prepared for the 18 holes we played Saturday morning. His dad had set a tee-time for 10:04 AM Saturday morning. I dressed in my preppy golf gear and was ready to impress everyone with my Tiger Woods skills, but that turned out not to be the case. After I could barely hit the ball on the first hole, I could tell Fred was getting mad. I forgot how competitive Fred is when it comes to sports, games, or ANYTHING. After the first 10min Fred had me so flustered and worked up I didn't even want to play anymore. I'd rather hear him laughing with me or telling me, "keep trying babe." But then finally ...I started to be able to hit the ball and he lightened up. After that the rest of the day was smooth sailing. I had a blast spending the day golfing with Fred and his parents. I love trying something new, and doing something active like that with my boyfriend. After 4 hours of golf (who knew it took 4 hours to play 18 holes) we swung by GLORY DAYS for some wings and beer. Perfect ending to the perfect day.
The rest of the weekend was followed by dinner with his parents, a lazy day on Sunday, cleaning his car, dinner date, and snuggling. I couldn't have asked for anything better. I'm glad I got to try something new with Fred and his family.
My long-term goal is to finish my classes by next Spring and land a full time job. After that I would love to start acting like a grown-up and maybe moving into my own place. Ideally, I would love to move closer to Fred. Even though the drive from Richmond isn't too bad, it's still too far for us to see each other as much as we'd like. I've grown up in Mechanicsville and I love it, but I would also love to step out of my bubble and be on my own. I know most of my friends would say that I could never live on my own because my parents have spoiled me. They're right. My parents have spoiled me, but I can learn these things. I'm lucky enough to where I don't have to pay any bills, my mom cooks dinner every night and since I'm poor my parents loan me gas and spending money if I'm going somewhere. I hate it. I want to be able to make money on my own and show everyone that I can DO IT! More importantly, I want to show Fred that I be successful and bring in some dough. He can't be the breadwinner in this relationship forever.
Until then, I'll keep studying hard in my classes and continuing the job search. I know I'll find something soon. I just don't want to have to wait. I wish I could fast forward my life. My dream is to land a great career and live happily ever after with Fred. I hope it comes true...one day.
Because I am so nervous, I have made a list of reasons why they should hire me;
I'm a hardworker, diligient, focused, I work hard to get the job done, I can multi-task and I always put the client first. I have some other things written down, but hopefully if I study my sheet I won't screw up and stutter tomorrow morning when I'm on the spot. I'm also studying the Allen & Allen website now. WISH ME LUCK!

Back Home
UGHHH I'm ready to get my career started. I'm crossing my fingers that after I graduate next Spring, I'll find a good paralegal job asap. I wouldn't mind finding a job closer to Fred's house - but we'll see. I want to be living on my own, or living near him. Oh well, our relationship has been great so far. He's everything I could ever want in my life. I'm a lucky girl.
Well dinners ready....I need to eat and go to bed. I'm going to miss sleeping alone tonight.