

Well the weatherman was right. Richmond got about a foot of snow and this ruined my weekend plans to head to Charlottesville. I've been looking forward to this weekend for awhile now, so when Fred called to say the roads were too bad for him to drive him - I almost cried. However, I'm kinda glad it snowed because it gave me a chance to relax, catch up on work, and spend time with my family. My cousin came to work on Wednesday sick, and sure enough Wednesday afternoon I was already coughing and not feeling so hot. I have been taking medicine since then but yesterday I was feeling even worse. Not only was I coughing non-stop, I was going through a box of tissues every hour. I'm sure Denise and Stu would not have appreciated my sickness. Luckily, everyone's free next weekend - so we're going to make a second attempt to visit our friends. I'm even going to an Amos Lee concert with the girls. I've never heard/seen him before but I'm sure it'll be fun. Plus I know Fred & Stu will enjoy having "man time"

As I'm writing this I'm laying here wrapped up in my snuggie watching Drake having a BLAST in the snow. He is bouncing up and down and rolling in it. Even though I've been a grinch about this snow this weekend, he's loving it. My mom won't let me go outside because I'm sick, but she's been taking a lot of pictures. I'll have to upload some pictures of him on here later. He's my little man.

Being snowed in has given me time to think about a lot of things. Yesterday a friend of mine, Desmond, was laid to rest. Even though I wasn't able to attend the funeral, I did attend the viewing Friday night. It was really hard and confusing to see him in the casket while everyone was telling so many wonderful stories about him. I hope that I never have to go to another funeral like that for one of my friends. He will be truly missed.
I'm finally signing up for the Ukrops 10k. I am not running this year. I'm doing the walk/jog heat with my mom and my friend Rachel. I feel lazy and fat and I really want to get back into tennis. I watched some of Miss America last night while I layed on the sofa with a box of tissues. I am so not beach-body ready. If only the weather was warmer, I'd get motivated to workout. I saw Target had bathing suits out the other week--eeek.

Hopefully this next week goes by fast and I finally kick this cold!!!!