Tomorrow Fred and I are supposed to be driving to Charlottesville to visit Stu & Denise. They have been friends of ours since college and we celebrated their wedding with them in October. SINCE Christmas, Denise and I have been planning this weekend but now the weatherman is calling for SNOW ...and a lot of it. Even my parents think I am crazy for attempting to go to Charlottesville tomorrow. My dad keeps saying, "it's going to snow a foot" <-------shutup.
I am NOT happy about this!
((here is a picture of our lovely friends on their honeymoon))
aren't they cute? too cute.

Today at work everyone kept talking about how "excited" they were about the big snow headed our way. I felt like the grinch when everyone asked me if I was excited, and I would say "No, I hate it because I can't drive in it!"
Luckily, Fred just bought a truck last weekend. A pretty big one with 4wheel drive. I told him we have to go to Charlottesville... you have a truck now! If I wake up in the morning and snow is blocking our travels to Stu and Denise's humble abode I'm going to cry. I want nothing more than to drink, eat, and spend time with good friends!
So go away snow!!!