

((this is a picture of Rachel and I from last summer, you can tell we LOVE the water))


This past weekend I went to one of my favorite places, Lake Gaston!

My grandparents have a house right on the water and I've been going there every summer since I was a little girl. My whole family (great uncles & aunts ,friends, cousins, and in-laws) is usually down there most weekends.

My bestfriend from high school, Rachel was able to come with me. I really enjoyed spending quality time with her, since we're both busy with work + boyfriends. Her and I are so freakishly similar that people even ask if we're cousins. Even if we don't see each other very often, when we're together we're always having a good time and laughing (and planning our future weddings).

We even left the lake early Sunday morning and heading down to my other favorite place, The Prime Outlets in Williamsburg! We had a fun time shopping and goofing off.

I was not looking forward to Monday.

I wish the week-end could last forever.