

Wow! The last time I blogged was May 11? It's been over 3 months but Sunday night I had an overwhelming feeling come over me and I just wanted to write. My friend Denise has helped me out with my blog because I am not HTML savy. I promised her I'd start blogging again. I've always been nervous about what to write or how to explain what I feel. Especially when I read Denise's blog and others. They can easily open up and their lives seem so much more exciting...more mature than mine. That's why I'm just going to write what I know and how I feel and I'm not going to worry about what other people think of me.

With that said,

Today at work I started thinking about how fast summer has gone by. Before long it's going to be September.My social calendar is booked until the beginning of November! Between weddings, visiting friends, concerts, and Fred's birthday I am never in Richmond anymore. I'm going to the lake this weekend and hopefully next weekend. It feels weird because I haven't been at all this summer. I use to go all the time, but now that I'm working or spending most of my time with Fred in Arlington, I just haven't had time. I remember the days when I didn't have a job and all I would do is layout at the pool or go to the beach most weekends. The only beach I experienced this summer was Florida. My parents were in OBX at least 4 different times this summer. Man, I am growing up.

Even though I'm not looking forward to the warm weather leaving, I am looking forward to: the holidays, comfy sweaters, starbucks (Pumpkin Spice!), and 2010 wrapping up. I'm also looking forward to some upcoming Bridgewater reunions. Fred and I are going to visit The Holman's the end of September. Then in October a few Bridgewater girls and I are flying down to Atlanta to visit Jessica and the end of October Marianne is hosting a halloween party! I can't wait! Just thinking about fall makes me remember all of my favorite Bridgewater memories. College was the best time of my life. I have great memories and I made the best friends. I'm looking forward to making many more memories with these people. Everyone is growing up so fast! It's crazy to think that people are getting married AND have babies right now!

I wonder when all of that is going to fall into place for me...