

Say Yes to the Dress


Who's Wedding Is It Anyway?

True Life: I'm Getting Married
I'm not engaged and I'm not getting married anytime soon, but I love weddings. I'm that girl who gushes over wedding pictures of friends (and even strangers!) on facebook. I even have a folder on my computer entitled WEDDING. It's where I copy & past wedding ideas, dresses, or photos I like. Creepy I know.
Last week a girl that I work with became engaged. We've become close over the last few months (which we should be, because she's marrying my cousin) and when she told me the news the first thing that came to mind was, "YES! I GET TO HELP YOU PLAN YOUR WEDDING!" Yesterday and today her and I have been looking up churches online, wedding photographers, invitations, and going through her In Style Wedding Book. I love it all. Maybe wedding-planner should have been my calling in life.
For their honeymoon they're going to Greece. I'm super jealous. A couple that Fred and I know are getting married IN Greece next Spring. I wish we were invited. I tell Fred all the time I'm jealous.
I can't wait to plan my wedding in a few years. I'll be even more financially stable and will be able to have the wedding of my dreams.