

This morning I participated in the Monument Avenue 10K for the 2nd year in a row. It felt so good to cross the finish line with hundreds of strangers cheering me on! For those of you who don't know a 10k is 6 miles long. This race happend to be an exact 6.2 miles. Last year I did not train for the race and my body punished me by not allowing me to walk for the next few days after the race. BUT this year I've been going to the gym and jogging on the tread mill more and more. The other night I ran 3 miles and didn't even feel out of breath! I was so proud of myself considering that I've fallin out of tennis and the active lifestyle I once had. Recently though I've been starting to miss tennis (probably because of the warm weather and pretty days we've been having) and the great shape that I was once in. It's crazy running into old friends or seeing friends on facebook who have gained so much weight over the last few years. I just don't want that to be me. My dream would be to look like Jennifer Aniston when I'm 40 but I know that won't be the case. However, I can live an active life and stay in shape for me. Summer's right around the corner and I want to look good in my bikini and ofcourse for Fred so that his eyes do not wander.

I am not sure what time I finished the race in yet but I'm hoping to continue doing the 10K every year and knocking off my time even if it's only by a few mintues. Even though my legs are sore right now I feel GOOD about myself. I was able to go to the gym every night the other week but now that school has started again I'm only able to go tomorrow and Monday since I'm leaving for Fred's friday after work. Ideally I would like to hit the gym every night but that won't be able to happen until MAY. I just got to get rid of these huge thighs that I have.